As online shopping continues to rise during this COVID-19 era, we’re assisting our partners by driving verified purchasers to brick and mortar locations. 

Our mobile mission capabilities target shoppers in real-time, by triggering a push notification to their mobile device when they are in geo-fenced locations. Our push notifications work for both iOS and Android mobile devices and with additional targeting options, you can be sure to reach the right people, right when you need them!

“When it comes to the fast-approaching gift-giving season, our recent consumer research shows that holiday shoppers will appreciate extra effort from retailers to make them feel special for buying their gifts in-store,” says Bess Devenow, Prodege’s Director of Marketing. “At least nine-in-ten find appeal in the concepts of receiving a gift card and/or a discount code for future purchases for spending a certain amount of money at a particular retailer.”

With over 300,000 retailers across the US that we can currently target push notifications to, and over 750,000 engaged shoppers who are opted in to receive them, plus the flexibility to add even more locations to geofence, you’re sure to see incremental sales!

In addition to our push notifications intercepting consumers while they are on-the-go, we can also collect feedback on a recent shopping experience, and verify purchases through receipt upload so you can get real-time insight into consumer behavior! Read on to see this case study about a previous client.

Interested in learning more? Fill in the contact form and you’ll hear back from us or reach out to your account rep.

Blog Author

Katie Crockford

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