In addition to the traditional New Year’s resolutions to improve their fitness and eating habits, Americans have added a new resolution that they think may be easier to stick to.

Americans’ traditional aspirations to begin a healthier eating and fitness regimen in the New Year may give way to cleaning up a different aspect of their lives.

Prodege, LLC surveyed 1,334 of its members aged 18 to 69 and nine-in-ten pinpointed “exercise more” or “eat healthier” as the most cliché resolutions come January. However, the New Year’s resolution considered the least cliché was also deemed the easiest to stick with: “be more diligent about keeping my home clean and tidy.”

How Equally is Housework Really Divided? Depends on Who You Ask.
The majority of males living with a spouse or significant other claim to split household chores equally with their partner (59%). Females beg to differ, with nearly two-thirds indicating “I do most of the housework”.

“How About I Make Dinner and You Wash the Dishes?”
Cooking leads the pack as the most desirable household task, followed by grocery shopping. However, one of the most dreaded chores among both sexes can’t be avoided: washing dishes.

Consumers Value Affordability, Familiar Brands When Selecting Cleaning Products
Despite the rise in sustainable cleaning products, just 11% view environmentally friendly/sustainable as the most important factor when selecting a home cleaning product. Rather, those surveyed put price first (47%) when buying products to clean their homes. A familiar brand name is the second most important consideration (21%), with well-known brands like Clorox, Dawn, Lysol, and Windex making their way into most shopping carts.

“Shopping today offers a wide variety of products and brands available in stores, cleaning products being just one example. To drive brand engagement, Prodege has recently introduced Shoply, an innovative approach to retail that helps brands move units off the shelves without the need for coupons,” said Freddy Cavin, Prodege’s VP, Sales & Shopper Marketing. “Shoply also provides actionable consumer insights into the who, what, and why behind the buy.”

Read full release here.


Bess Devenow

Sr. Director of Marketing

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